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This module features several types and functionality related to linear sequences and linear indexing.

The most useful from an ergonomics perspective is probably StridedSlice which is like a HSlice but with a stride (step). This is akin to Python's general slicing like xs[start:stop:step], or its range(start,stop,step) function.

The primary way to construct strided slices is with the @: operator, which can be applied in several ways.


import strides

let greet = "hello world"

# The obvious way, as a strided slice:
assert greet[ 2 .. 8 @: 3 ] == "l r"

# As a prefix: assumes the whole length.
assert greet[ @: 2 ] == "hlowrd"
assert greet[ @: -1 ] == "dlrow olleh"

# As a length + step: shorthand for `0 ..< length` or `length-1 .. 0`
assert greet[ 5 @: 1 ] == "hello"
assert greet[ 5 @: 2 ] == "hlo"
assert greet[ 5 @: -1 ] == "olleh"

assert greet[greet.len @: 3] == greet[@:3]
Note: Negative strides are allowed, so strided slices can actually run backwards.

Given a length (for example of the container being sliced) we can "resolve" a StridedSlice into a LinearSegment (a finite LinearSequence). A LinearSegment_ consists of the fields (initial, stride, count) which should all be integers.

There are two ways to resolve a slice: the Nim way (hard slices) and the Python way (soft slices).

Standard Nim behavior is for slices to go out of bounds. For example "test"[0 ..< 20] will trigger an exception. Whereas in Python "test"[0:20] will work and simply return "test".

The first behavior is met with the ^! operator which functions very similar to ^^. It merely translates BackwardsIndex and StridedIndex into integers, not doing any bounds checking.

The second way is with the operator ^? which does soft slicing. It works the same way as ^! but automatically constrains the slice so it doesn't go out of bounds.

By default, and for convenience(?), containers use ^? to mimic Python behavior when using strided slices specifically (might change?), but regular slices (HSlice) still triggers out of bounds.


import strides

# ^! resolves the strided slice into a linear segment given a length.
let linseg1 = (1 .. 100 @: 5) ^! 10
assert linseg1 is LinearSegment
assert linseg1.len == 20

# ^? does the same but constrains the linear segment to `0 ..< length`.
let linseg2 = (1 .. 100 @: 5) ^? 10
assert linseg2.len == 2 # constrained to only cover [1, 6]

let text = "aAbBcCdDeEfF"

# "Hard" slices trigger out of bounds:
# text[ (0 .. 100 @: 2) ^! 12 ] --> exception!

# But this works:
assert text[ (0 .. 100 @: 2) ^? 12 ] == "abcdef"
To use StridedSlice in a custom container, you would do something like the following:


import strides
type MyList = object

proc len*(_: MyList): int = 69

proc `[]`*(lst: MyList, idx: AnyStrided): auto =
  when idx isnot LinearSegment:
    let idx = idx ^? lst.len # or `^!` for slices that trigger out of bounds.

  assert idx is LinearSegment

  # ...


AnyIndexing = SomeInteger or BackwardsIndex or HSlice or AnyStrided
Any type that can commonly be used to index an array-like container. Source   Edit  
AnyStrided = StridedSlice or StridedIndex or LinearSegment
Any type that can commonly be used to slice with a stride. Source   Edit  
LinearSegment[T; I] {.pure.} = object of LinearSequence[T]
  count*: I

A LinearSequence with a count: a finite linear sequence.

This is meant to abstracts a general indexing loop, and iterating over it produces the following loop:

var index = <initial>
let stop = <initial> + <count> * <stride>
while index != stop:
  yield index <stride>

See StridedSlice for a different kind of representation.

Note: segment[i] is not bound checked. Can be constrained with segment[a .. b].

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LinearSequence[T] {.pure, inheritable.} = object
  initial*: T
  stride*: T

Represents the linear sequence initial + stride * k for a variable k.

One could also think of it as an infinite loop with a linear index variable.

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StridedIndex = distinct int
Represents a @:stride index. Source   Edit  
StridedSlice[T; U] = object
  a*: T
  b*: U
  s*: int

Strided slice. Acts like a HSlice but with a stride parameter (s).

Inspiration is Python's slices and range, though the end point is still (unfortunately) counted as inclusive in order to remain compatible with HSlice.

You would normally construct these with the @: operator and resolve them into concrete LinearSegments with the ^! operator.

Warning: The stride should never be 0.
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func `$`(a: BackwardsIndex): string {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [],
                                      forbids: [].}
Missing from standard library? Source   Edit  
func `$`(ls: LinearSequence): string
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func `$`(seg: LinearSegment): string
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func `$`(si: StridedIndex): string {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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func `$`(ss: StridedSlice): string
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func `&`(a: Slice; b: distinct Slice): auto
Returns the intersection of two HSlices. Source   Edit  
func `@:`(step: int): auto {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Prefix variant of the step operator. Equivalent to applying a stride to the entire valid length. Returns a StridedIndex. Source   Edit  
func `@:`[T, U](slice: HSlice[T, U]; step: int): StridedSlice[T, U] {.inline.}
Turns a regular slice into a strided slice.
Note: For slices with negative stride (i.e. right-to-left slices) the largest number should be specified first: 100 .. 0 @: -1 represents the indices 100, 99, 98, ..., 0, but 0 .. 100 @: -1 is empty.
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func `@:`[T: SomeInteger](e: T; step: int): StridedSlice[T, int] {.inline.}

Constructs a strided slice with a length and a step.

The number is taken as a "total length" of a hypothetical 0 ..< L slice. Thus it is interpreted as an exclusive end point when the stride is positive, and an exclusive start point when stride is negative.

The number of elements in the strided slice is easy to calculate as simply length div step.


assert (12 @: 2) == (0 .. 11 @: 2)
assert (12 @: -2) == (11 .. 0 @: -2)

# Note that these differ in more than direction! One former touches only
# even numbers, the latter only odd numbers.
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func `[]`(s: string; seg: AnyStrided): string
Overload so that StridedSlice and StridedIndex can be used with strings.


assert "nefarious"[ 2 .. 0 @: -1 ] == "fen"
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func `[]`(seg: LinearSegment; slice: HSlice): auto {.inline.}
Constrains a LinearSegment to its overlap with the given slice.


let seg = initLinearSegment(1, 3, 6) # [1,4,7,10,13,16]

assert seg[5 .. 20].toStridedSlice == (7 .. 16 @: 3)
assert seg[-10 .. 0].toStridedSlice == (1 .. -2 @: 3)
assert seg[10 .. 12].toStridedSlice == (10 .. 10 @: 3)
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func `[]`[T](arr: openArray[T]; seg: AnyStrided): seq[T]
Overload so that StridedSlice and StridedIndex can be used with arrays and the seq data type.


assert [1,2,3,4][ @:2 ] == @[1, 3]
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func `[]`[T](ls: LinearSequence[T]; k: T): auto {.inline.}

Gives the kth value in this sequence.

Synonym for ls.initial + ls.stride * k.

Note: 0-indexed, so the first value is ls[0].
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func `[]`[T](ls: LinearSequence[T]; slice: HSlice): LinearSegment[T, T] {.inline.}
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func `[]=`(s: var string; seg: AnyStrided; input: string)
Overload so that StridedSlice and StridedIndex can be used with strings.


var s = "nefarious"

s[ 2 .. 0 @: -1 ] = "gerg"
assert s == "gregarious" # note the reversed order of 'gerg'

s[@:3] = "xxxx"
assert s == "xrexarxoux"
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func `[]=`[T](s: var seq[T]; seg: AnyStrided; input: openArray[T])
Overload so that StridedSlice and StridedIndex can be used with strings. Source   Edit  
func `^!`(idx: AnyIndexing; length: SomeInteger): auto {.inline.}

Resolves indexing-like types.

Given an integer or BackwardsIndex this acts like ^^, but takes the length directly (as opposed to the container).

Given a HSlice it resolves any contained BackwardsIndex to int.

Given a StridedSlice or StridedIndex it converts it to a LinearSegment.

Slices are not constrained to the given length.

Normally the only use for this operator is in overloading [] to implement indexing.

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func `^?`(idx: AnyIndexing; length: SomeInteger): auto {.inline.}

Resolves indexing-like types, and constrains slicing types so they cannot go out-of-bounds.

This functions much like ^!, but slices (HSlice, StridedSlice, SliceIndex, LinearSegment) will automatically be constrained so they cannot go out-of-bounds.

Normally the only use for this operator is in overloading [] to implement indexing.

Note: The ^? and ^! operators have higher precedence than .., so parenthesis is needed when using them with a literal slice.


assert (^1) ^? 50 == 49
assert (0 .. 9) ^? 50 == 0 .. 9

assert (20 .. 45) ^? 30 == 20 .. 29
assert (0 .. 99 @: 20) ^? 50 == initLinearSegment(0, 20, 3)
assert (@: -1) ^? 10 == initLinearSegment(9, -1, 10)
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func initLinearSegment[T, I](initial, stride: T; count: I): LinearSegment[T, I] {.
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func initLinearSequence[T](initial, stride: T): LinearSequence[T] {.inline.}
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func initLinearSequence[T](stride: T): LinearSequence[T] {.inline.}
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func initStridedSlice[T, U](a: T; b: U; s: int): StridedSlice[T, U] {.inline.}
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func last(seg: LinearSegment): auto {.inline.}

The last value in this sequence.

Synonym for seg[seg.len - 1].

Warning: Invalid if seg.len == 0.
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func len(seg: LinearSegment): auto {.inline.}

Number of values in this sequence.

Synonym for seg.count.

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func maxLT[T](ls: LinearSequence[T]; bound: T): auto {.inline.}
Finds k such that ls[k] is the largest value in the sequence less than bound. Source   Edit  
func maxLTE[T](ls: LinearSequence[T]; bound: T): auto {.inline.}
Finds k such that ls[k] is the largest value in the sequence less than or equal to bound. Source   Edit  
func minGT[T](ls: LinearSequence[T]; bound: T): auto {.inline.}
Finds k such that ls[k] is the least value in the sequence greater than bound. Source   Edit  
func minGTE[T](ls: LinearSequence[T]; bound: T): auto {.inline.}
Finds k such that ls[k] is the least value in the sequence greater or equal to bound. Source   Edit  
func toLinearSegment(ss: StridedSlice): auto {.inline.}
Converts a resolved StridedSlice to a LinearSegment. Source   Edit  


iterator items(seg: LinearSegment): auto {.inline.}
Yields seg[0], seg[1], ..., seg[seg.len - 1]. Source   Edit  
iterator items(ss: StridedSlice): auto {.inline.}
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iterator items[T](ls: LinearSequence[T]): T {.inline.}
Infinite loop over the linear sequence ls[0], ls[1], ls[2], .... Source   Edit  
iterator pairs(seg: LinearSegment): auto {.inline.}
Yields the sequence (k, seg[k]) for k in 0 ..< seg.len. Source   Edit  


converter toStridedSlice(seg: LinearSegment): auto
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converter toTuple[T, I](seg: LinearSegment[T, I]): (T, T, I)
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converter toTuple[T, I](ss: StridedSlice[T, I]): (T, T, I)
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converter toTuple[T](ls: LinearSequence[T]): (T, T)
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